The Magdalen Gates Primary School building was built by the Norwich School Board in 1888 within sight of Mousehold Heath, The Cathedral and the City Wall. As it is 131 years old, the building is quite unique. It is comprised of a series of large halls, from which all of the other rooms are accessed. At the Eastern end of the school is the KS1 and EYFS provision. This includes a class for each year group from Reception to Year 2 and a shared space which includes the KS1 library. Beyond the main hall is the KS2 end of the school. There is one class for each year group from Year 3 to 6 and a large shared space which is the home of the KS2 library. Beyond this part of the school is a large PE hall, a music room, a mobile classroom, an ICT suite and the After-School Club. At the far end of the school building is the Magdalen Gates Pre-School, which is operated independently.

The outdoor space includes areas for Year 1 and EYFS behind the building and large playground areas at the front of the school which are used by all children. As well as installations of play equipment and a play-gym, there is a dedicated Forest School area next to the boundary wall. This is accessed by all year groups throughout the year as part of our enrichment of the school curriculum.
In September 2021 there will be 202 children in the school who will be organised into 7 classes. Each class is staffed by a qualified teacher who is supported by our team of highly trained Educational Assistants (EAs). EAs are deployed on the basis of need. Children who have Education Health Care Plans (EHCPs), SEN Plans and other identified needs will have their needs met as a priority. As the staff are in the school to meet the needs of the children, the staff will be deployed in such a way to keep everyone safe and to help all children to achieve their best.
Please find below our school prospectus . Here you’ll find lots of useful information for new and current parents/guardians. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the school office. 01603 622675