Welcome to our Accessibility Plans which supplement our SEN Information Report (click here). All governing bodies of maintained schools and maintained nursery schools have a legal duty to publish information on their website about the implementation of their policy for pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and disabilities, specifically setting out their plans to eliminate discrimination against disabled pupils, to promote equality of opportunity and to foster good relations between disabled and non-disabled pupils.

The Equality Act 2010 defines disability as ‘…a physical or mental impairment which has a long-term or substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.’ ‘Long-term’ is defined as being a year or more, and ‘substantial’ as more than trivial. This definition includes sensory impairments such as those affecting sight or hearing, and long-term health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and cancer.

At Magdalen Gates we value all members of our school community, and enthuse all to become lifelong learners equipped for the future by providing an excellent and inspirational education through a welcoming, safe, happy and supportive community. We strive to provide a welcoming, positive environment, enhancing the learning of all; both children and adults, regardless of ability, race or gender.  We aim to work together – parents, staff, Governors and children – for the benefit of all those who come to our school, including those with additional needs.


Requests for a place at Magdalen Gates – whether in Early Years Foundation Stage or at any subsequent point up until the end of Year 6 – should be made in accordance with Norfolk County admissions policy and the form can be found here https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/education-and-learning/schools/school-admissions We welcome visits from parents considering requesting a place for their child/children.

In accordance with The Equality Act 2010, no learner will be refused a place because of their disability.

What We Do to Support Learners with Disabilities


All staff members are committed to ensuring that every learner has equal opportunity to take full advantage of the whole range of educational experiences offered here at Magdalen Gates. This includes learning opportunities within and outside the classroom (including visits and residential trips) as well as extra-curricular activities such as after-school clubs. Depending on advice from professionals, additional adult support may be provided to support access for pupils with disabilities.

In order for our pupils to achieve and enjoy, we work with outside agencies such as Sensory Support, Access Through Technology, and Health Services including Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy. This enables us to act on their advice to safely facilitate full participation for disabled pupils, to provide suitable auxiliary aids and to adapt curriculum and the physical environment according to pupils’ needs. In addition, where necessary, staff are trained for appropriate moving and handling. We also maintain links with local special schools through School2School Support and in this way are able to access training, such as signing training, their expertise and facilities when necessary.

Physical Environment

Magdalen Gates Primary School is divided into two main areas: EYFS with Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. These areas are on different levels, with the school reception office and dinner/assembly hall in between. There is a short flight of steps between the two areas. Here there is a stair liftthat allows for wheelchair access between the two levels. Outside of the school building, movement between each of the playgrounds can be via steps or ramps suitable for wheelchair users. At each end of the school there are toilets facilities adapted for disabled pupils. Edges of all steps are marked to allow safe movement for pupils with visual impairment.

In Key Stage 2, toilets are situated at the far end of the cloakrooms. Pegs are soon to be replaced by lockers to allow for safer movement by disabled pupils in this area.

Each child with a disability affecting their mobility has a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan.

Positive Relationships

At Magdalen Gates all pupils have equal opportunity to access social experiences through out-of-school clubs and activities and all reasonable adjustments will be made to allow for disabled pupils to join in alongside their peers.

We emphasise the value of each individual pupil as a member of our school community and support the development of positive relationships with peers and adults. PSHE lessons support the social and emotional aspects of learning, and this mind-set is embedded across the school. All pupils work in pairs or small groups within lessons and have play opportunities to help develop positive relationships and cement friendships.

Bullying in any form, and directed toward any child, is unacceptable and swift action is taken when a concern is raised (you can see our anti-bullying policy by clicking here). Children are taught about what to do if they feel unsafe or upset by the words or actions of another, including in an ‘online’ setting. ZAP assertiveness training is offered to Year 6 pupils as part of their preparation for transition to high school.

We understand that parents of pupils with disabilities also have needs. We seek to support them in a number of ways, including opportunities to discuss their concerns with the class teacher, SENCo or Parent Support Adviser, and signposting other groups who can offer support, information or advice.

If you would like to discuss any of these issues in relation to your child, please speak to

  • SENCo – William Turnpenny – AHTInclusion@magdalengates.co.uk
  • Co-Head Teachers – William Turnpenny & Chloe Demeuzois (designated teacher for LAC and post LAC) – Head@magdalengates.co.uk
  • Class Teacher (if your child is already a pupil at Magdalen Gates. – office@magdalengates.co.uk