Morning Arrival
The school gates are unlocked in the morning just before 8.30 a.m. when parents and children can enter the playground. A member of staff will be on the school gate to welcome everyone to the school and answer any little queries that parents might have. The children go straight into school when they arrive on site so that learning time is maximised
The morning register is taken from 8:45am. At this point, all children should be in school. The register closes at 9am. The afternoon register is taken at the beginning of the afternoon session for that class. The timing of this will depend on the year group as the lunchtimes are staggered over the middle of the day.

Every child enjoys an hour-long break in the middle of the day. Reception children start their lunchtime at 11:50am, KS1 at 12:10pm, Years 3 & 4 at 12:20pm and Years 5 & 6 at 12:30pm. Midday Supervisory Assistants (MSAs) supervise and support the children whilst they eat their lunch and they are joined by members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) when supervising the children as they play outside.
Afternoon Playground
The school gates are unlocked at 3:05 pm when parents can enter the playground. The school day ends at 3:15 pm for all children. All teaching staff bring their classes to external classroom doors or the playground (depending on the year group) and check who the children are going home with (unless older children have been given written parental permission to walk home on their own or with friends). If you are likely to arrive late in the afternoon to collect your child(ren), please let us know by contacting the main school office. If you wish for your child to be collected by another adult, please call the office in advance. For safety, we will not allow children to leave the school site without this permission in place. All children will be looked after near the main school office at the end of the school day if they have not been collected at the expected time.